Friday, May 18, 2007

Pumphouse open soon

Mixed media incorporating article in the Waihi Leader, the local newspaper. The Cornish Pumphouse, that cost some millions of dollars to move because it's stability was threatened in it's original location, has been off limits to the public while the landscaping is completed. Apparently it will be open soon. The last time I was able to go right up to it was about 8 years ago on my first visit to Waihi. At that time the gold mine, which previously had been underground and not operational for decades, had begun to be excavated as an open pit. Over the years the ground near the mine has become unstable and this historic building was fenced off after an old mine shaft collapsed in the area. In fact, not only the pumphouse was fenced off but residential property, part of the local rugby field and more was made inaccessible. People were paid for their properties, houses relocated, and an area where people lived, walked, played, is now out of bounds to the public. A lot of planting has been done by the mining company and it looks like it will take on a park like appearance. There were plans to let the open pit fill with water once mining is finished (another 3 years I think) and a park with access to the lake was going to be in that area. I'm not sure what will happen now. I've heard some people say they'd like the pit to stay empty, and I have to admit it is very interesting to view (and the subject of some of my work).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you have a wonderful style with your mixed media - for me this is a really strong piece. And an interestign story too.