Thursday, October 06, 2011

Installation by Bull ... spring is here

Yearling bull decided to rearrange some items he gained access to... a bath used for drinking water for stock dragged and placed perfectly, an old canoe he dragged quite a long way from where it was stored, as well as an old washing machine waiting for collection, rusty metal frame and log, all found and dragged to the location by the artist. How clever is that! I dont think my photography does justice to his artistic expression. The artist...

After taking a photo of it, I walked around the garden and took quick shots of the little splashes of colour appearing with the arrival of spring. It was late afternoon and the sun was still very strong draining some colour. So, lacking any new work to show, here is mother nature's...


PearlMountain said...

Oh, I love these photos of flowers. This looks pretty awesome, like many beauties!

art prints said...

this is funny but artistic bull..:) well I liked your photographic skills.. keep it up!

fine art said...

Such beautiful flowers. Looking forward to your next blog. Thanks for sharing.

romanysoul said...

What beautiful pictures. Yearling bulls' antics made me smile.x

Sarah Noah said...

If a bull can create art, I'm pretty sure I should be able to!

I find this post extremely inspirational. I love the arts and specialize mostly in theater and arts news ( It is fun to see that if a bull can create art, then maybe I still have a chance with visual art.

Very cool perspective!