Thursday, March 27, 2008

Life drawing class 26 April 2008

I wasn't very happy with what I drew on this evening - but I'll post some anyway. I ran out of large white cartridge paper, and used a cheap Chinese watercolour paper that was quite textured. It would be interesting to take a charcoal drawing further with this paper and put watercolour washes on it. I was happiest with the conte on black building paper. This was a pose I'd requested because it was similar to the one I used for the painting Extracts from Trapped Self. In that painting the figure is twisted slightly to the left and forearm rests on the thigh. I wanted to draw it again, this time from another viewpoint.

I changed the photograph of the seated pose into a negative and like the way it turned out. Hopefully my drawings will be useful as a resource in my paintings and playing around with them in a photo programme can help me look at them in a different way.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it astounding the difference paper quality makes for your art. The best gift an artist can give themselves is good paper and paints etc, even when they are only "playing.

Anonymous said...

I love the reversed image of the seated pose Sandra. Neat turquoise/green. It has real impact!

Anonymous said...

My God Sandra. How do you manage to be so on the ball!

Sandra T said...

Just came home, Barbara, and I'm tinkering with the bits and pieces down the side of my blog. Got the selfportraitchallenge button to work now - we're obviously online at the same time!!

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your wonderful blog via the Inverlochy Art School. I am a mother to two preschoolers and am yearning to explore my creative side more. I plan to start on some weekend courses initially and then progress to more as the children get a little older.

Reading your blog has been so inspiring and uplifting - I must have spent at least half an hour visiting! I'm enjoying some rare child-free time as hubbie's taken them out - I'm at home with some darn virus and should really be resting up - but I can never top my brain ticking!

Wishing you every success with your artwork and creative future.


Anonymous said...

Re. last comment - I discovered you through 'The Learning Connexion' - not Inverlochy (my head is really fuzzy with this virus - best get back to bed!).

Best wishes again! Sarah

Sandra T said...

Thanks, Sarah. I study extramurally (by correspondence) part time - 4th year now. One more year after this then I'll be finished and I'll miss it. The Learning Connexion is a very inspiring art school.

Anonymous said...

hey, gal: i really appreciate that you dare to put your "less-than-wonderful-work-in-your-eyes" on your blog. i think this is being AUTHENTIC and real. coz, really, how much of what we "do" is just that, not wonderful in our eyes? we learn from our supposed "failures" as much as our successes, i think. brave, smart authentic YOU!! excellent. look forward to hanging out and see more of what you do!! and super-thanks for your comment on my blog! you rock! go, create something!